Both individuals and organizations can become members with us. As an individual member, you can work on your own artistic production, and as an organizational member, your organization can use Göteborgs Bildverkstad for the association’s purposes, for example a gallery can work on producing an exhibition, or a publishing house can use the equipment for the making of their publications.

Membership in Göteborgs Bildverkstad costs 850 kr for individuals and 1700 kr for organizations per calendar year. Upon joining the association, there is an additional cost of 300 kr for the initial deposit and a key deposit of 300 kr. Both of these will be refunded when leaving the association.

Membership is paid per calendar year. When applying for membership after August 15th, a half-year membership is paid for the first year. For applications in December, the membership fee is charged for the following year.

Criteria we evaluate your application on:

Artistic production: Here, we want to know what you have worked on, such as exhibitions, book production, design markets, completed workshops, etc. The important thing is that you show your own artistic productions.

Project description: If you are working on a specific project where you plan to use the resources at Göteborgs Bildverkstad, please include a project description of maximum 1 A4 page.

Educational level: We would like to know if you have a degree from a higher artistic education or equivalent relevant experience.





    Phone number

    Organization number:

    Provide artistic education and/or relevant professional experience (only for individuals) (max 1000 characters).

    Artistic merits (CV) (max 1000 characters).

    How will you use the membership in Göteborgs Bildverkstad? (max 500 characters).

    Brief description of a specific project you intend to work on in the workshop (max 2000 characters).

    Upload 1-5 images. (jpg | pdf | tif | gif | png max:2MB)

    Any other information we should know? Link to website, etc.